the html review is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the web. It is edited by Shelby Wilson and Maxwell Neely-Cohen.
Works we have published have won the New Media Writing Prize, been featured in Best of Australian Poems, and displayed at institutions like CultureHub, Rhizome, and the de Young Museum. Our efforts have been covered by Frieze Magazine, MIT Technology Review, Longreads, and the German radio program Netzkultur.
Some friends, inspirations, and idols —
- Crawlspace
- Taco Bell Quarterly
- The Drift
- Graywolf Lab
- Editorial
- Taper
- Syntax
- Low Tech Magazine
- Aftermath
- A New Session
- ctrl+v
- The New River
- Midst
- Reading Machines
- Dead Alive
- voidspace
- Ensemble Park
- Random Walk
- WordHack
- Sunday Sites
- HTML Energy
- Poetry Slash
- Screenwalks
- HTML in the Park
- The Interactive Fiction Competition
- Narrascope
- Naive Yearly
Institutions and spaces
Curators, cartographers, and archivists
We are open for submissions from October 1st–November 1st for each issue, which releases the following Spring.
We accept pitches, prototypes, and works-in-progress. Poetry, fiction, non-fiction, essays, graphic storytelling, and experiments that utilize the web as a medium are all welcome. We pay $500 per contribution. While we keep a copy of the code for archival purposes, all contributors own their own work in perpetuity.
We especially love when the subject matter of a piece has nothing to do with the web or technology, but the medium is merely a means to further the story and poetry. Our editorial process includes text, design, and code. We do not set specific issue themes from the outset, but instead allow those connections to form organically.
Please send your pitch and a bit about yourself to [email protected].