fabric on a loom by Shelby Wilson Shelby Wilson, weaving sampler
diagram of a floor loom Merve Mepa, TextDraft
Mittens done in 'nålebinding' c. 6500 BC, Wikipedia, (CC BY-SA 3.0)
AMC Gremlin with Levi's trim and upholstery Wikipedia, Christopher Ziemnowicz (CC BY 4.0)
an image of a book with weaving patterns for letters Berta Frey, Designing and Drafting for Handweavers
black and white diagram of a plain weave structure by Anni Albers Anni Albers, "On Weaving"
woven swatch using the input 'who needs these precise hours?' Merve Mepa, TextDraft
screenshot of TextDraft letters encoded into pedals and shafts of a loom Merve Mepa, TextDraft
Zainab Aliyu, Lenticular Temporalities
Katy Ilonka Gero, Accumulation
screenshot of 'Sun Letters' Nathan Mifsud, Sun Letters
Katherine Yang, ProsePlay paper prototype
Katherine Yang, ProsePlay paper prototype
Katherine Yang, ProsePlay.net
Alexander Miller, Grid World
Alexander Miller, Conway's Game of Hope
screenshot of 'Today We Saw' by Lan Zhang and Anna Garbier featuring an image of a baobab tree Lan Zhang & Anna Garbier, Today We Saw
screenshot of html showing 'Today We Saw' by Lan Zhang and Anna Garbier featuring an image of a baobab tree
Bảo Anh Bùi Nguyễn, Measure a machine's heart (Đo Điện Tâm Đồ Máy)
Shelby Wilson, A Room With a Window
screenshot of 'whispers from a soft garden'
Esther Bouquet, whispers from a soft garden
Ivan Zhao, a world of space
Alicia Guo, found poem (trail)
Anna Y Lin, Roots
screenshot of 'html garden' with various html tag names in the shape of plants/l-systems Spencer Chang, html garden
Rory Green, Crush Choreography
screenshot from 'A Small Memorial' just existing at a point of space in time
Todd Anderson, A Small Memorial


is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the web.



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Thank you XOXO!